Site update news

1st July 17

July pets are available now!
Get them on the Adopt pages!

The new month also brings new Dress-up Challenges! Check them out. :)

18th June 17

Don't miss this month's Dress-up Challenges!

1st June 17


It's now June on CS!
There are new pets to adopt this month and additionally our General Helpers have put together a special litter for you. Adopt them now!

There are also new Dress-up Challenges!
Enter your own pets or view the entries of other users. :)


And check out our new Store Pets!
These cute fennec foxes were made by Swiftalu, and you can buy a set for just C$60!

Our last store pets came in late so they'll stay for some extra days!

15th May 17

There's a new Dress-ups Challenge!
Are your pets in need of a bath yet?

Click here to browse the entries or submit your own. :)

1st May 17


It's now May on CS!
That means there are new pets up for adoption! Get them on our Adopt pages!

We have also added new dressup challenges so make sure to check them out!

21st April 17

Aaaand that's it! Our 2017 Easter Event has come to an end.

Thanks for playing, we hope you enjoyed it! The next big event will be Avian and Totoro's Summer Vacation, which is just a few months away :)

20th April 17

The Easter Event page will stop accepting tokens in about 45 minutes, don't miss out!

20th April 17

Time for a spending spree! Spend those eggs now!
It's only a matter of hours 'til Totoro packs up shop!