Site update news

4th April 20

Our Easter Hunt has begun!

Is this your first Easter on CS?
Make sure you read all the instructions on the Event Page and in the news. This event is very similar to our Halloween candy hunt.

The Easter hunt is a special event where you can collect eggs from around the site and forum, and then trade them in for cool pets and items. To collect eggs look for special prize banners which sometimes appear at the bottom of the page. They could appear on any page on Chicken Smoothie, so browse around! You might have to hunt for quite a while before you find the prize banner, but don't give up! When you do spot a prize banner just click it to claim your egg. Once you've found an egg you have to wait at least 20 minutes before you can hunt again, so take a break and come back later. When you have enough eggs you can choose a prize on the Event page!

The event runs for about 10 days. Each day there will be new prizes available, and sometimes there will also be free gifts which you can get without spending any eggs! Don't forget to check the event page every day and remember to hunt for eggs when you've got time!

The prizes on the event page will all be available for the full event, so if you want you can just save your eggs for now and make your choices at the end. :)

Click here to enter your pets in the Easter Dress-ups Challenge!

2nd April 20

We hope you enjoyed our April Fool's Day silliness yesterday!

Image Image
Please don't forget to Adopt the pets for April!

There are also new pets in the Store, made by meveh!

Additionally, have some new Dressup Challenges for you to participate in!

And later this month we will be celebrating CS Birthday and Easter, so remember to check back soon!

1st April 20


We have officially abbreviated our site name!

Time to embrace THE SMOOOOOTH.

Show off your new and improved smooth pets HERE

17th March 20


Happy St. Patricks Day!

Check out out our St. Patricks Day Adoption Page! to grab some amazing new pets and items!

Show off your pets and items by posting them under our brand new Dress-Up Challenge!

These giveaways will be available until the end of March! :)

1st March 20

March brings a new batch of pets so get them on our Adopt pages!

There are also new Dress Up Challenges in! Enter your own pets or check out the submissions of other users!

29th February 20

Happy Leap Day! Check out our Other adoptable page to grab a special gift! It will be available till March 9th :)

14th February 20


Happy Valentine's Day!

Check out the Valentine's page for some special gifts!

Click here to enter the Valentine's Dress-ups Challenge!

1st February 20

It's February woo-hoo! Make sure to visit our adoption page to acquire all the new pets for February!
Don't forget to visit later in the month for Valentine's Day celebrations <3

Also, make sure to check out our new Store Pets!

And finally, as always we have some new Dress-up Challenges this month! Come join in on the fun and share your Dress Ups with everyone!