Site update news

18th December 16

Today's the big day! Click here to go and adopt your Dec 18th Advent gift! The Dec 18th giftbox is full of hundreds of different pets which have been released before over the past 8 years - many of these are rare and valuable. You have the chance to adopt a few, but like all gifts the pets you receive are randomly chosen, so some people will be luckier than others.

You may not recognize the pets you receive, but there is a good chance that they will be valuable pets with a high trading value! They will be worth much more than any other pets in the Advent Calendar.

We recommend that you don't trade your pets away until you are sure you understand how much they are worth. You don't want to get ripped off by someone who offers you low-value pets for your new rares. Many older members intentionally seek out new members and COPPA members on Dec 18th so they can try to rip them off with unfair trade offers. Don't rush to accept any offers until you're sure that it feels like a good deal for you.

Useful topics to post in after adopting your Dec 18th pets:
Dec 18th Discussion
What is this pet? How much is this pet worth?
Fair Trade Thread

If you're a COPPA player and can't post in the forum to ask about your pets, you can send a help ticket to get general advice or help with identification from General Helpers/Staff.

The goal of today's re-release is to bring all sorts of old and rare pets back into the active trading population so that more people are able to complete their pet collections or trade for pets that came out years before they joined. If you are disappointed by what you receive on the 18th please don't feel sad, because the re-release benefits everyone long-term as collecting older rares will become slightly easier for everyone.

Cheating to get more Dec 18th pets is super obvious and easy to detect, so unless you want to get banned, it's better to play fair. Please note: It is considered cheating if you get family or friends to sign up so they can send you their Dec 18th pets. It's considered cheating if your friend doesn't play anymore but uses their old account to adopt pets for you. Don't make any extra accounts for yourself, and make sure that your trades are fair if you are trading with family and friends. Don't trade with inactive players. If an account is being used just so that person can adopt things for you, then that is cheating.

17th December 16

Have you heard about December 18th on CS?

You might have heard people talking about "December 18th" and "re-releases". If you haven't participated in our Advent Calendar before then this may be new to you. Our next gift will be the Dec 18th release, so please read this information so that you understand what it all means!

Each year on December 18th, we have an extra special gift in the advent calendar. The Dec 18th giftbox is full of hundreds of different pets which have been released before over the past 8 years - many of these are rare and valuable. You will have the chance to adopt a few, but like all gifts the pets you receive are randomly chosen, so some people will be luckier than others.

You may not recognize the pets you receive, but there is a good chance that they will be valuable pets with a high trading value! They will generally be worth much more than any other pets in the Advent Calendar.

We recommend that you don't trade your pets away until you are sure you understand how much they are worth. You don't want to get ripped off by someone who offers you low-value pets for your new rares. Many older members intentionally seek out new members and COPPA members on Dec 18th so they can try to rip them off with unfair trade offers. Please take your time and don't rush to accept any offers until you're sure that it feels like a good deal for you.

There will be some topics in the CS Discussion board in the forum where you can ask other players for advice about how much your pets are worth and whether you're receiving good trade offers.

If you're a COPPA player and can't post in the forum you can send a help ticket to get some advice from General Helpers/Staff.

The Dec 18th giveaway gives you a random chance of adopting pets from earlier months/years, but it's not a guarantee that you'll get a Very Rare from 2008 or 2009, you might just get Rares from 2014. The giveaway's purpose is to bring all sorts of old and rare pets back into the active trading population so that they're a little less difficult to get in trades, but we don't want to dramatically lower their value, so we can't give everyone a Sunback or a Zebra. If we did that, those ultra rare pets would become worthless Very Commons overnight. If you are disappointed by what you receive on the 18th please don't feel sad, because even if you were a bit unlucky on the day, the re-release benefits everyone long-term by making trading for older rares slightly easier for everyone again.

Multi-accounting to get more Dec 18th pets is super obvious and easy to detect, so unless you want to get banned, it's better to play fair. Please note: It is considered cheating if you get family or friends to sign up so they can send you free pets or send you all their Dec 18th pets without getting a fair swap in return. Don't make any extra accounts for yourself, and make sure that your trades are fair if you are trading with family and friends. If an account is being used just so that person can adopt extra things for you, then that is cheating.

17th December 16

aw yeeee

14th December 16

Bring your pets along to our Winter Ball Dress-ups Challenge!

12th December 16


9th December 16

Have your skaters entered the Dress-ups Challenge yet?

8th December 16

It's a bit early to hang stockings isn't it? Guess these guys got a little ahead of themselves

6th December 16

