Site update news

1st February 22

February 2022

Happy Lunar New Year. Make sure to check out our giveaways to celebrate the Year of the Water Tiger!

We have a new batch of monthly pets to Adopt! I can't wait to wait to watch these grow!


There are also new Store Pets available for purchase from Doglike!

The new birthstone set for February is now available! This month's Amethyst Set will be up for sale all of February and won't return until February 2023! Buy the full set for the exclusive Birthstone Gem item each month! These items fit both Cats and Dogs!

Lastly, we have new Dressup Challenges today! Don't forget to check them out and enter some dress ups!

15th January 22

Mid Month Update - January 2022

Site Updates:

-Rarities have now been updated!
-We celebrated another NYE on CS! Thanks for another year of fun and memories!
-Have you noticed yet? Pets will now display when it's their birthday on their pet page :0
-Another pet page update, when you click the link to go to a pet's group it now takes you to the page the pet is on rather than page 1 of the group!
-We have updated our rules regarding DNI (Do Not Interact) Lists. Please read more HERE!

What's coming up:

-We are preparing for Lunar New Year and Valentines Day!

Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

January 2022 Dress-Up Challenge Feature:
"Eek!" by Spearow


1st January 22

Happy New Year 2022!!


We're so grateful for another year of fun and memories. Thanks for visiting our little corner of the internet! To celebrate make sure to check out the Special Events Page! for some gifts! They are available from Jan. 1st - Jan. 4th!

We have new limited store items from Yugi! These trendy Up-do wigs come in over 50 color variations and work with Dogs, Cats and Rats! You can buy the whole set for C$65, saving C$45 over buying every wig individually. They will be available for two months!

We also have brand new semi-limited store item sets for purchase! These gorgeous Birthstone Jewellery Sets made by Yağmur will only be available on the months they correspond to. For example, this month's Garnet Set will be up for sale all of January and won't return until January 2023! Buy the full set for the exclusive Birthstone Gem item each month! These items fit both Cats and Dogs!

Don't forget to check out our Dressup Challenges for this month!

Image Image
And of course, there are new pets to Adopt for January!

We've now switched back to our regular green site theme, but if you're still feeling the chill of Winter, you can change back to the "CSChristmas" board theme from your "My Account" page

25th December 21


Merry Christmas! These are our last gifts and they'll be available until the end of the month, so don't worry if you can't get online today.

22nd December 21

Whoops, sorry for that website outage, there was a power cut in the server room! We're back up now. Today's present from Sixbane will be available for an extra day just in case people missed adopting it while the site was down.

18th December 21

🎁🌟 It's now December 18th in the CS time zone! 🌟🎁

🎁 Links 🎁
Click here for some general info and FAQs about the 18th
Click here to grab your Dec 18th gifts from the Advent Calendar!
Click here to get help identifying the pets you've received
Click here for help trading your Dec 18th pets!
COPPA users Click here to ask staff/GH for trade advice if you can't post in the forum
Click here to discuss Dec 18th and show off the pets you got!
Click here to enter your pets in the Dec 18th dressup challenge!

You might be wondering what's the big deal with today's gifts?

Today's gifts are special. These aren't new pets, instead they are re-releases of rare, very rare, and OMG so rare pets from the past 11 years! You can adopt just a few pets, which will be picked randomly. Good luck! We hope you get something nice.

The December 18th release is very different and much more valuable than normal advent gifts.

Don't trade these pets until you know what they're worth.
It's a good idea to wait for the pets to grow up before you trade, so you know exactly which pet you've got and what it's worth. Getting ripped off in bad trades is the most common regret for CS players. December 18th is the worst date for bad trades! You may receive some terrible trade offers, so don't accept anything until you're sure it's definitely a good deal.

The December 18th re-release makes old and rare pets a little easier to collect and trade. You might not get super lucky with the pets you recieve, but the re-release will still benefit you. There will suddenly be a lot of new sunbacks and rainbow manes floating around, so trading and collecting old pets like those will become a little easier for everyone.

Cheating to get extra Dec 18th pets is super obvious and easy to detect, so please play fair if you don't want to get banned.
Unfortunately, brand new members are not able to participate in today's gift as we have a high volume of cheat attempts on this date.

15th December 21

Mid Month Update - December 2021

Site Updates:

-Rarities have now been updated!
-We celebrated Hanukkah and we are currently in the middle of our Advent Calendar Event :0
-On your pet's page there is now a new link to let you move your pet to a different group

What's coming up:

-Dec. 18th is rapidly approaching!

Click here to read some general info and FAQs about the 18th

Dress-Up Challenge Feature:

December 2021 Dress-Up Challenge Feature:
"Serama - The Best Pet Chicken" by Crowsrune


1st December 21

December 2021

Today's the first day of our Advent Calendar!
There will be new gifts from December 1st - December 25th. Each gift is only available for 24 hours. Be sure to check every day so you don't miss any! The final gift on December 25th will be available until the end of the month, so don't worry if you can't come online on Christmas Day.

Discuss the Advent Calendar in the Events Discussion board.

We've switched over to our Christmas theme to get into the holiday spirit but if you want to go back to our regular green theme, you can choose CSDullGreen as your board style on your My Account page.

We are all excited about the Advent Calendar, but don't forget to adopt our regular December pets too!


There are also new store pets available for purchase! Get the full set of 5 pets for C$70, save C$30!

Lastly, we have put up some new Dressup Challenges today! Don't forget to check them out and enter some dress ups!