Site update news

9th January 13

Selcouth is retiring as official CS artist today, but has left us with an incredible range of 'RPG' themed items which have just gone into the store!

7th January 13

Leurai has made all of her store wigs puppy-compatible, so the same item will now fit puppies as well as dogs!
She also added a few extra colors for some of the wigs.

1st January 13

Happy Near Year, Chicken Smoothians! We've now switched back to our regular green theme, but if you're still feeling the cold of Winter, you can switch back to our Christmas board style from your My Account page.

24th December 12

Today it is Christmas Eve on Chicken Smoothie, so make sure to pick up all 3 gifts ! Tomorrow will be the last day of the advent calendar but those gifts will be available until January 1st.

23rd December 12

There was a 1 minute delay on one of the gifts today, so make sure you've adopted all 3 gifts that are up on the advent page!

21st December 12

The world hasn't ended yet, so we're still giving out gifts. :)

On December 25th (Christmas Day) we will give out our last gift - but this gift will be available to adopt until January 1st. That means you don't have to get online on Christmas Day, so don't panic if you're stuck having dinner at Grandma's house with no wifi!

19th December 12

We hope you had good luck in our giveaway yesterday!
There are 2 gifts under the tree today, so make sure you adopted them both!

17th December 12

Each year on December 18th, we release a special present box for you to adopt. By adopting, you have the chance to receive some of our very oldest and rarest pets that were released in previous months and years!
You may not recognize the pets you receive, but there is a good chance that they are valuable pets with a high trading value!

We recommend that you don't trade your pets away until you are sure you understand how much they are worth. You don't want to get ripped off by someone who offers you low-value pets for your new rares.

If you're not sure what you have, please post your Dec 18th pets here to ask other players for help.

If you're a COPPA player and can't post in the forum, we recommend that you wait until your pets are fully grown before you trade them, so that you can work out which outcomes you have and what their rarity is.

Multi-accounting to get more Dec 18th pets is super obvious, so unless you want to get banned, it's better to play fair.